8 Reasons Why Baby Gates Can Be A Dangerous Business

Bronte White
7 min readApr 10, 2021

And some handy tips to avoid the dangers and have baby gates work for you.

Pexels Image by Pixabay

We moved into a 2.5 story townhouse when our daughter was almost one. The first thing we did was buy baby gates. We had stairs. Lots of stairs. It was a clean slide down the carpeted stairs from the living space to the tiled floor at the entry. An accident waiting to happen.

Little did we know that installing baby proofing in our home would show us the true nature of our children. Our daughter was naturally cautious however our unborn son would be the complete opposite.

In that moment we had essentially thrown down a future gauntlet to an inherently curious and adventurous child.

We shopped around. I did my research. Gracious is there ever a world of baby gates out there. We settled on the tallest retractable ones that were securely hardware mounted into the walls. I hoped that they would be secure and less of a tripping hazard for the adults. We were pretty liberal with them too. If there was a set of stairs there were two gates.

Our daughter was fine with the gates. It was a long way down and she was a naturally cautious child. She didn’t pay them much attention. Only to look past down at the large drop…



Bronte White

Australian. Writing on mental health, family, parenthood and self discovery. In Invisible Illness, Illumination, In Fitness and In Health and Modern Parent.